1. Anonymous adoption
The biological parents receive counselling and sign a document confirming that they are giving their child up for adoption. They are allowed to express their wishes with regards to the future adoptive parents. The agency will try to fulfil these wishes in the best way possible, in order to make their decision easier.
Parents giving their child up renounce their right to be informed about the child’s name and the address, but if they wish, basic information about the adoptive parents (e.g. age, profession, length of marriage) will be disclosed to them. Later on, they can inquire with the youth welfare office about their child’s life and development.
2. Open adoption
Open adoption means that the biological and adoptive parents get to know each other; subsequently, regular visits can be agreed on
After the adoption, the child lives with the adoptive parents, but he/she can get to know his/her biological family.
This way, the biological parents can play a small role in the upbringing of their child.
3. Anonymous birth
If mothers, due to their specific life situation, cannot disclose their details, they can choose to give birth anonymously. They can give assisted birth in a hospital without having to have health insurance. In hospital, the biological mothers are asked to talk about their lives and themselves and, if possible, write a letter to their child. This type of adoption makes it impossible for a child to find his/her biological parents later in life.
For more details, click here: http://anonymegeburt.at/.
4. Baby hatch/flap
In Austria, eight of nine federal States (Bundesländer) legally allow to anonymously give up a child for adoption at a safe and sound place (baby hatch/flap). This type guarantees the anonymity of the biological parents, but the children have no information whatsoever about their biological parents.
Find a list of baby hatches here: : https://www.gesundheit.gv.at/service/beratungsstellen/babyklappen-und-babynester-in-oesterreich.