A psychological report is required for applicants in some Austrian federal states (Bundesländer), as well as for applications for certain countries of origin.
EfKÖ would like to recommend two psychologists from its team:
Clinical and health psychologist
Mag. Maria Eberstaller
Phone: 0664 454 33 15
Practice address: Erdbergstraße 63/Top 32, 1030 Wien
Clinical and health psychologist
Mag. Petra Möseneder
Phone: 0664 465 32 64
Practice address: Erdbergstraße 63/Top 32, 1030 Wien
The drafting of the report is not done by EfKÖ, but by a private practice. Both psychologist have been working in the field of adoption for years and are very experienced.
Subjects treated in the report are amongst others:
- Motivation for adopting
- Wish for biological children
- Siblings and extended family (potential subject)
- Upbringing and your own childhood
- Personal strengths and weaknesses
- Partnership
- Gainful employment and care plan
The talk in person is completed by psychological tests. Effort: approx. 2–3 hours
Contents and costs of a report drafted for a special country vary strongly and must be enquired individually.
Reports can be drafted in German or English.